Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Welcome to the world Baby T!

Monday morning started as just another ordinary day.  It wasn’t until I went to grab my phone and head out the door that I realized this day would be better than I could have imagined (especially for a Monday).  I had a missed text & picture that had been sent to me at 3:17 AM from one of my best girlfriends.  It read “Baby T arrived at 1:13 AM right on her due date!  She is 8lb 3oz and 20 inches long”.  I think I screamed with excitement, texted her “congratulations”, ran and told Scott, and then I was out the door and on my way to the office.

I didn’t want to bother her by blowing up her phone with text messages.  I had to wait until at least today to do that!  So I sent her a nice email letting her know I was thinking about her and spent the rest of the day stalking her and her husband’s Facebook accounts waiting for updates and pictures!

We finally got to chat for a few minutes today via text message.  I was so excited!  I was beginning to miss our daily emails.  Mom and baby are both doing well.  Dad has been great.  With such little experience with infants, he sure does look like a natural!  The new family of three gets to come home tomorrow.  I can’t wait until they get all settled in so I can take a little road trip and meet this little beauty!  Since my girlfriend lives 4 hours away, the baby may have doubled in size by the time I get to finally meet her… But that’s okay. 

Thank you God for blessing my friends with a beautiful and healthy baby girl!


  1. What a sweet post! Congrats to your friends and new baby! What fun!

  2. Awwww. It is such a pleasure to received "Good" news and the birth of a baby is so wonderful. I'm sure the new Mom & Dad are ecstatic (and tired). I, too, say Thanks to God for the blessings of His children.
